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Tuesday 5 January 2021

Dorayaki Recipe | Japanese Pancake Dorayaki

Dorayaki Pancakes Recipe 铜锣烧食谱

Ingredients 材料

鸡蛋 2 eggs
白糖 granulated sugar 60g, optional
蜂蜜 honey 1 tsp, optional
低筋面粉 cake flour 120g
泡打粉 baking powder 1 tsp
奶粉 milk powder 30g
牛奶 whole milk 60g, optional

1) 将所有材料放入一个大碗中混合在一起。
Place all of the ingredients into a large bowl and mix together.

2) 让面糊在室温下静置15-30分钟。
Let the batter rest for 15-30 minutes at room temperature.

3) 中火加热锅。用食用油刷上一层,倒入面糊,开始出现小气泡时,别心急翻面,等全部小泡泡都撑破了才翻面。关火或开小火 翻转煎1-2分钟直到金黄色。 重复剩余的面糊。 每次必须用油刷锅。Heat a pan over medium heat. Brush with cooking oil, add the batter, and cook for 2-3 minutes, until bubbles start to appear on the surface. Switch off or reduce the heat to low. Flip the pancake over and cook for another 1-2 minutes, until golden brown. Repeat with the remaining batter. brushing the pan with oil each time.

4) 您可以轻松地将配方加倍 制作12-15件。
You can double the recipe to makes 12-15 pieces.

5) Nutella榛子酱 ,冰淇淋或您选择的馅料呈现三明治。
Present in a serving sandwich with Nutella spread, ice cream and a topping of your choice.

6) 真的超级柔软,超级美味口口都滿足!
Super soft, fluffy and yummy!

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Recipe Source: Josephine's Recipes

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