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Thursday 26 January 2017



• 糯米粉 265g
• 澄面粉 73g
• 椰浆 300g

• 片糖 135g
• 黑糖 26g
• 水 200g

1) 准备一个大碗,把糯米粉,澄面粉和椰奶搅拌均匀,揉搓成团。
2) 先将片糖 ,黑糖,水,放入小锅里,中火,煮至溶化。放置一边,待凉。
3) 倒入,刚煮好的凉糖水,一点一点的,拌入面团中,并且,揉捏直到面团,变成浓稠的米糊,过滤。搅拌至无粉粒。7寸圆模,刷油,可以防粘。也可以铺粽子叶。放入蒸锅,水开后大火蒸两个小时,取出,就可以直接食用了。

1) 吃不完的年糕,可以保留多久时间?可以密封好,放入冰箱冷藏。储存越久,年糕就会越硬,不宜放太久。
2) 年糕的多种好吃做法,冷藏后的年糕,可以切块,煮一煮,它就会软, 把煮好的年糕放入碗里,倒入红枣姜糖水。乘热食用。也可以切成片,拌鸡蛋,煎来吃,或者直接蒸还是煎软,也能盛出满满一盘的美味。


Wednesday 25 January 2017

How To Make Chinese New Year Cake | Traditional Nian Gao | 傳統蒸年糕做法 | Steamed Glutinous Rice Cake

Chinese New Year happens to start this Saturday, and Steamed glutinous rice cake, is considered ''Good Luck'' and ''Prosperity'' for the New Year. This is my kind of snacks, and the best ''Nian Gao 年糕'', I have ever tasted, in my life. Very yummy, and very traditional, real good, not too sweet, and Paul's instantly fell in love with super chewy and soft rice cakes. In the same recipe, you can use bread machine or stand mixer. It's slightly faster and life saver than hand kneading.

• 265g glutinous rice flour
• 73g wheat starch
• 300g coconut milk

• 135g brown candy in pieces (11/2 pieces)
• 26g dark muscovado sugar
• 200g water

1) Mix the glutinous rice flour, wheat starch and coconut milk together. Knead until a stiff and dough is formed.

2) In a saucepan, Add brown candy in pieces, dark muscovado sugar and water. Stir the sugar constantly over middle low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Set aside to cool.

3) Adding the sugar water a little by little to the dough, and knead until dough become a thick batter, and strain the batter to remove any lumps.

4) Pour the batter into the prepared greased mould. Steam for 2 hours. Remove the cake from the heat. Serve immediately, or refrigerate overnight.

Helpful Tips:

1) How long can I keep this - Nian gao ''Chinese New Year's cake'' ? Use a wrap cling or sealed film bags can be stored for up to 1 month in the fridge. The longer you store it, the harder it will gets, don't worry! It softens, when you reheat or pan fried.

Here is a recipe for ''Pan Fried Sticky Rice Cake with Eggs''. They are perfectly crispy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside.

• 1 egg
• vegetable oil
• glutinous rice cake (sliced)

1) Heat a pan over a medium high heat, Add vegetable oil. Break eggs lightly with a chopsticks, letting a slice of sticky rice cake soak up in a whisked eggs, Gentle coated with a thin layer of eggs. Fry them until golden brown and soft on both sides.

Recipe Source: JosephineRecipes.Co.Uk

Saturday 21 January 2017

Melt In Your Mouth Peanut Cookies 入口即化 花生酥 新年曲奇饼

Here's a Good Luck cookies to celebrate the Chinese New Year. These cookies are melt-in-yout-mouth and very addictive, full of peanut goodness, rich and crumbly bites, also are one of my all time favourite snacks.

Makes about 35 or 16 large peanut cookies

• 38g granulated sugar
• 120g roasted peanuts 
• 100g plain flour or cake flour
• a pinch of sea salt
• 40g-50g peanut oil
• 35 or 16 peanuts for garnishing
• 1 egg, beaten for glazing

1) Transfer granulated sugar to a blender into powdered sugar.
2) Use a same blender, and blend the peanuts until finely chopped.
3) In a large bowl, combine the chopped peanuts, powdered sugar, flour, salt, and peanut oil. 
4) Use your hands to mix and knead everything's until well combined. Take a small piece about 1 tsp small or 1 tbsp large dough, roll and make a ball. Put them on the baking sheets and repeat until all the mixture has been used up. Place a peanut in the middle of each cookies.
Preheat the oven to 150°C and bake for about 16 minutes. Separate egg yolks from whites, then whisk the yolk thoroughly. after middle baking. brushing the surface with whisked yolks. Reduce the heat to 120°C and continue baking for another 8 minutes or until golden brown. Carefully transfer to a wire rack and cool completely before eating or storing in an airtight containers. 

*2023 New improved baking temperature and time for air-fryer oven.
Brush the egg yolk on top, no preheat air fryer oven, press cookies setting's 140°C, bake for 15 minutes.

Helpful Tips:
1) You can find roasted peanuts almost anywhere in local grocery.
2) The cookies will stay fresh in an airtight containers for 5 days.
3) Depending on how big you roll the balls and you need to adjust the baking time.


Copyright © Josephine's Recipes. All rights reserved.
No part of this video (including thumbnail images or written recipe)  may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the copyright holder.

Recipe Source: Josephine's Recipes 

薄脆~好吃到~停不了口啊!零失败杏仁脆片 杏仁瓦片 约瑟芬食谱

其实我和保罗一直在研究这个, 而且在厨房实验了好多趟, 这次是最满意,也是吃过最好吃的一次, 杏仁和面糊的配搭,很适中, 口感脆脆的。 保罗一边说不吃了,一边却停不了口。


• 蛋白 (約2個) 74g
• 糖 60g
• 玉米油 10g
• 低筋面粉 30g
• 一小撮海盐
• 杏仁精 6g
• 杏仁片 75g







Thursday 19 January 2017

Almond Tuiles Recipe | Chinese New Year Cookies | 杏仁瓦片

Here are the secrets and my husband's absolute favorite cookie, ever. They’re perfectly crispy and brings out the nutty flavor and seriously can't stop eating those god damn cookies.

Makes 50 pieces

• 2 large, 74g egg whites
• 60g granulated sugar
• 6g almond extract
• 10g corn oil
• 30g cake flour
• a pinch of sea salt
• 75g toasted almonds


1) In a large bowl, Add egg whites, granulated sugar and corn oil. Gradually sift cake flour, a pinch of sea salt, then add almond extract. Mixing just until incorporated. Place in the fridge at least 1 hour or overnight.

2) I just put raw flaked almonds in a frying pan on low heat, for about 2-3 minutes. Stir every 30 seconds or so to prevent them from burning on one side.

3) Before baking, Add the toasted flaked almonds and combine well. Spoon 1 teaspoon of batter onto prepared silicone baking mat. Use spoon and fork to spread a thin layer into 2 inch circle. Make sure the almonds flakes are not overlapping.

4) Baked at 130C, Fan oven for 18 minutes or until the cookies is just starting to brown. Keep a close eye on baking, if not they will go burn. Remove from baking mat and cool completely on wire rack. Cookies can generally be stored in a sealed, airtight container at room temperature for 1 week.

Helpful Tips:

1) To make sure your cookies to succeed even better. It is best to use an oven thermometer and you'll always have the exact temperature of your oven in mind.

Recipe Source: JosephineRecipes.Com

Tuesday 10 January 2017

How To Make Fried Chinese Breadstick | Chinese Doughnut Recipe | 油条 Youtiao | Chinese Street Food

Youtiao, Its usually served with Bak kut teh 肉骨茶, Rice congee 粥 or hot soy milk 豆漿. The most popular way of enjoying this delicious snack in my hometown is usually eaten with butter and kaya or kopi dipped into condensed milk (my favourite).

• 300g bread flour
• 5g salt
• 8g baking powder
• 180g water
• 18g corn oil

oil for deep frying

1) Place the (A) ingredients, bread flour, salt, baking powder and water into the bread pan. close the lid gently.

2) Press the MENU button until desired program ''raw dough'' is selected. so that the machine does all the mixing and kneading. Once the process has been completed ''stir 1'', Open the lid. Add corn oil to the bread pan, and continue stir 2 until beeps will signal.

3) Press the MENU button until you reach ''ferment''. The bread maker will allow your dough to rise for 30 minutes giving the dough more depth flavor or until beep to signal and then you take it out of the machine.  

4) Brush the top of the dough ball with a little oil, Cover with cling film and allow to cold rise overnight in the fridge. 

5) Then, when you get up in the morning, Take the dough out and transfer to the work top, bring to the room temperature about 2 hours. Sprinkle some flour and start to roll the dough up to form a long log. Let it warm up about 15 minutes. Cut to shape and making conjoined dough twins. Using a dough scraper to make a gutter in the middle of each strip and Pick up one double strip and using a bamboo sticks, pressing it down lightly. Hold the two ends and stretch it. Repeat process with remaining pieces.

6) Fry in hot oil (at approximately 180°c/350°) Gently flip it over continuously many times with chopstick, Keep flipping & frying until they have puffed up and become golden brown and drained of any excess oil. It normally served with rice congee, or soymilk for breakfast.

Helpful Tips: 
1) While kneading dough and fermentation with a bread machine is slightly faster than hand kneading or even stand mixer. 
2) Leftover fried breadsticks, (in a re-sealed bag) can be stored in the freezer, defrost it when you are ready to eat and bake until crispy.

Recipe Source: JosephineRecipes.Co.Uk

Monday 9 January 2017

要是知道炸油条那么简单,早就不上街买了,教你自制早餐美食 【约瑟芬的食谱】

小摊炸出的油条吃着是不是不放心呢?让大家,自己也可以,在家自制放心油条,口感脆脆的,很好吃。油条+豆浆, 油条+米粥, 是传统早餐的搭配,人人的喜爱。

• 300克面粉
• 5克盐
• 8克泡打粉
• 180克水
• 18克玉米油




Monday 2 January 2017

Rice Wine Chicken Soup | Sesame Wine Chicken Recipe | Authentic Hakka Confinement Dish 客家黄酒鸡 姜酒鸡汤

This super-comforting sesame wine chicken soup with ginger, great for winter and perfectly warm up on a cold day, also served on during a postpartum "confinement month."

Serves 2


3 tablespoons sesame oil
22 pieces sliced ginger (170g)
2 free range chicken legs (750g)
2 free range chicken wings (228g)
15g black fungus (soaked and chopped into sliced or bite-sized)

A pinch of sea salt 1/2 tsp
6 tablespoons bristol cream sherry, or sweet rice wine

2 tablespoons light soy sauce
11/2 cup bristol cream sherry, or sweet rice wine 
33g, 1 small pieces brown candy pieces or 1 tablespoons brown sugar
11/2 cup water

Spring onions or chinese wolfberry


1)Wash and clean the chicken and cut into pieces. Sprinkle some salt on it. Add wine marinade for at least half hour or overnight.

2)Heat the casserole in middle low heat, Add sesame oil and sliced ginger, frying until golden all over. then add the chicken and stir-fry until lightly brown fragrant. add black fungus, soaked 2 hours or overnight in cold water. Cut into any desired shape.

3) Season with light soy sauce, wine, and brown sugar. high heat to cook for 5 minutes. then add water and cook for another 15 minutes. garnish with spring onions or chinese wolfberry. Now, it's done. but the wine soup was far too strong, so we add some remaining wine in the pot for extra strong and flavor. 

Helpful Tips:
1) If you cook this as confinement meals, reduce the amount of wine and cook for 20 minutes.
2) Sesame oil is commonly used for chinese cooking, also tastes great, but stir fry in low to middle heat, not for high heat. (It will go toxic at high temperature).

Recipe Source: JosephineRecipes.Co.Uk

Sunday 1 January 2017

教你怎麼做好吃的 麻油雞酒 姜酒雞湯 客家黃酒雞 約瑟芬的食譜





11/2 cup雪利酒/米酒(喜歡酒味較濃,分2次加)
33g, 1小塊片糖或者1大匙黃糖





1)煮月子餐,請減少酒的量,還有酒要一次性的倒 入,而且煮滾二十分鐘。
2 芝麻油, 它可以用於中小火爆香, 不適合高溫 (溫度不要太高約120度)
