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Thursday 27 June 2013

Cantonese Style Sweet & Sour Spare Ribs 廣東糖醋排骨 Josephine's Recipes Episode 39


小排骨 ½ 斤
地瓜粉 3大匙

薑   ½ 個
洋蔥 ¼ 個
青椒 ½ 個
紅椒 ½ 個
蒜頭 5 顆

酒 1小匙
生抽 1小匙
蒜蓉 1小匙
薑蓉 1小匙


蕃茄汁 10大匙
糖 半杯
菠萝 1個

1個菠萝切塊,倒入半杯白糖 。
再倒 10大匙 白醋放在冰箱腌入味!



1) 小排骨清凈切小塊,加入所有醃料拌勻靜置30分鐘至入味后


2) 倒入油燒熱至油溫約170c -180c時,放入(1)己沾好的排骨

3) 在熱鍋中加入2大匙油,蒜和薑未爆香后加入洋蔥、


4) 將做法(2)的脆排骨倒入(3)的鍋中,拌炒均勻至入味


Sunday 23 June 2013

傳統風味: 客家芋頭扣肉 Hakka Yam Stewed with Pork Belly - Josephine's Recipes Episode 38

錄制影片教學烹法 自己一手包辦!從11點半早上,忙到三點半。四点才吃第一餐。天呀!四個小時Yeah。一整天寫食譜和旁白。花了很多時間和精力。只希望能將傳統美食繼續授传下去,讓您們在家都能享受到溫暖心甜。傳統客家芋頭扣肉 - 細心品嘗,芋頭口感綿密,扣肉吃起來夠柔滑的多汁。這道傳統菜式,心思十足! 一口肉一口白飯一口柔綿綿的芋头,白飯淋上点点汁,可以吃上好几碗飯。怪不得這道是客家菜式王牌之一!



1. (買回來的五花肉放少許鹽洗凈) 一大鍋,加入清水,將五花肉大火煮滾至15分鐘。撈出後,用剪刀,在豬皮表面上扎洞。這樣吃起來不會油膩。炸的時候容易酥脆,也會蒸起來得比較入味。接下來,把花肉切成半。然後放入油鍋裡煎,豬皮往下。把豬皮煎到金黃色為止(這步驟要特留意,五花肉要幹身,用廚房紙壓幹。油溫防止太過熱,煎的時候蓋上蓋子,防止熱油彈出;傷到自己)撈出後,立刻放入冷水中浸泡。金黃色的五花肉拿起來切片。 鍋裡的湯汁要保留著,不要倒掉。

2. 芋頭去皮,切成同五花肉一樣大小的厚片,放入热锅里煎至金黄色,这样子可以防止芋头松。在煎好的芋头上,撒了盐,五香粉,胡椒粉,然后搅拌混淆。

3. 切大蒜,姜,紅蔥,青蔥,然後用攪拌器;攪成碎擠汁出來。

4. 熱鍋入油中火爆香 攪成碎渣的;蒜、姜、蔥,加入南乳,八角, 倒人五花肉的湯汁,再倒人黃酒,老抽,一些生粉来打芡,關火。

5. 芋頭片和花肉片,排在盤子裡,一塊花肉,一塊芋頭片,直到排滿為止

1. 撈出後,用剪刀,在豬皮表面上扎洞。
取出後用可以搽上(黑醬油醃漬10分鐘) - (色澤會比較出色)

2. 炸好的五花肉必須立刻泡冷水,這樣能使豬皮有彈性。

3. 可以放少點油來煎,蓋上蓋子,防止熱油彈出;傷到自己。

4. 切芋頭要在中間切下,分半,再切片,每一片的厚度和花肉一樣。

5. 自己一手包辦,至少在廚房花三小時。两個人的話,
  時間减半等于 一小時半。

6. 可加冰片糖調味。

食谱原作者: JosephineRecipes.Co.Uk

Saturday 22 June 2013

Soy Okara cookies Soft and Chewy | Josephine's Recipes Episode 37

My recipe is so easy and is as no fail as you can get. Give it a go!
This is a great recipe using Okara.

Soy pulp that's left over from making soy milk. Okara, is just like soy flour, very good flavour for making cookies.

3 tbsp oatmeal
1 tsp baking powder
1 cup soy okara
3 tbsp brown sugar
3 tbsp flora butter
1 cup plain flour
1 cup raisin
2 eggs

1. Preheat your oven to 170 degrees C.

2. In a small bowl, mix together the oatmeal, baking powder,
soy okara, brown sugar, and flora butter, set aside.

3. In a large bowl of a standing fitted.
Add plain flour, horlick malted powder, raisin.
and add the (2) dough, mix until combined.

4. Rest the dough for at least 15 minutes, and 
Use a ice cream scoop or use your hand roll the dough into a balls
drop the dough on to a parchment paper lined baking sheet,
an inches apart from each other.

5. Preheat the oven to 170c, Bake for 25 minutes.
Allow to cool completely!

Helpful Tips:
You can use a big bowl to mixed all the ingredients in one time until creamy.

Store your cookies correctly:
I used a PYREX Classic sealed containers that keep out air.
It can keep cookies fresh for about a week.
Although cookies are usually best to eat within 3 days,
the cookies will still be fine if you seal them and keep them in containers.

Please wet your hand and flatten the cookies slightly with your fingers.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Making Tau Fu Fa - Homemade Tofu Pudding - 自家製豆腐花

This recipe making of silken soybean pudding, creamy tofu, super silky, which has a delicate, creamy mouth feel. The traditional way of making this, Soybean pudding, They use Gypsum powder to let the curd set, but Gypsum is not good for your health especially for your kidney. So, let’s us start and replace with Gelatine, it's all natural and pure. Gelatin can benefit hair, skin, nails, digestion, immune function, joints and more. The health benefits of this Chinese dessert is a great protein source that is low in fat.

 2 pandan leaves
 2 ½ cups unsweetened soy milk
 1/3 cup hot water (about 5 tbsp + 1tsp)
 2 tbsp unflavoured gelatine powder (1 sachet)

 1½ cup water
 ½ cup brown sugar
 2 pandan leaves or a few slices of ginger

1) Add the gelatine to the boilling water and stir until well combined, Set aside.
2) Strain and pour the soymilk into a pot. over medium heat, let it warm up and continue to stir until little bubbles, and cook for 30 minutes.
3) Turn off the heat and add (1) into the soy milk. Stir to combine well until the gelatin dissolved. Cover the pot lid. Allow to sit in the fridge for overnight. (at least 12 hours).
4) In a pot, add water, pandan leaves or sliced ginger you desire, and sugar, bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 20 minutes, until the syrup to a thicker consistency. Set it aside to cool before serving it with the tofu fah.

Recipe Source: JosephineRecipes.Co.Uk

Tuesday 18 June 2013

How to Make soy milk at home 傳統豆漿製作 Josephine's Recipes Episode 35

My homemade versions guarantee no preservatives, no additives, no sugar, or artificial sweeteners and colors and no thickening agents. I’m really enjoying my versions much more than store bought brands. Soy milk is naturally cholesterol free and low in saturated fat. Drinking soy milk provides calcium and vitamin D, and it can provide several health benefits for many people.

As long as you are not allergic to soy, drinking as little as 1 cup of soy milk per day is a great way to gain some of its health benefits. It now tastes more delicious than ever and still has absolutely no added sugar. Soy Milk for weight loss. Beauty benefits of soy, it is really good for your skin and make you look younger. Also good for weight loss especially if you drink it before sleeping. when I’m feel I’m too fat. I will taking my own homemade soy milk and I can see improvement in my daily life with one glass of soy drink on breakfast makes me full until lunch and active for the whole day, One glass before bed makes me sleep well so fresh the next morning. The most important thing is I don’t have to worry about my body shape.

Equipment Needed:
Cheese bag
Larger pot
(Should be fairly big and be able to hold at least 12cups)
Even you only produce for 6-8 cups
Strainer (if you need extra smooth)

1 cup of dry organic soybeans
6-8 cup water (1.5 to 2 litres)
2 pandan leaves

If you want some sweet flavours. add sugar, to taste and optional

1) Place 1 cup of dry soy beans in a bowl and fill with water. Wash the soy beans. Allow to soak for overnight in a cool place. (Change the water at least once and if needed add more water if beans soak it up)The next day beans should be hydrated and doubled in size.

2) Place a cheese bag and set on top of large pot.

3) Add 1 cup of soaked soybeans in the blender then add either 2-3 cups of water. Cover and blend for about 3 minutes until the beans have completely broken down.

4)  Pour liquid into the cheese bag. Allow straining for a few minutes then bringing all the ends of the cheese bag together and twist until all the liquid is squeezed out.

5) Remove the ground soybean / okara and set aside. Place cheese bag. blend the next batch. Repeat until all of the soybeans have been processed and strained. There are 2 batches with the amount of beans I soaked.

6) Pouring the pure into a large pot. Add 2 Pandan leaves, it will be adding more r flavored and cook the soybean paste over medium high heat stirring frequently until you reach a boil. Keep an eye on the soy milk because it can bubble and over flow. Once the milk has boiled, you can be served hot or you can place it into clean bottles and refrigerate after it has cooled to room temperature; it will stay fresh for 3-5 days in your fridge.

Helpful Tips:
1) If you are allergic to soy, please try almond milk or rice milk.
2) Prevent a messy spill by keeping heat down and eye on it. otherwise it will make an ugly mess on the stove.
3) Turn the heat off and allow the milk to completely cool. Scoop out the skin or film that forms on top.
4) You do have to let the dried beans soak for several hours, but the active time involved in making the soy milk is around 25-30 minutes.
5) Use a fairly big pot, after milking the ground soybean meal is called okara. It can be seabed, dried and used in baking, cookies, for fried foods, or many other options.
Read this
6) Soaking the beans overnight for a minimum of 10 hours will really help in easier blending and better milking. Either a cheese or muslin cloth can be used for straining. (cheese bag works really well and saves messing about with muslin cloth and bits of string). I used a total of 6 ½ cups of water. you choose how thick you want the soy milk by either adding more or less water.

Recipe Source: JosephineRecipes.Co.Uk

Saturday 15 June 2013

Garlic and Egg Fried Rice 蒜味蛋炒飯 Josephine's Recipes Episode 34

Special Garlic Egg Fried Rice Recipe 炒飯 A nicely fried egg with crispy edges and a warm, runny yolk is a life's greatest simple pleasures. Really love the yolk is for dipping with fried rice. I can taste the real love, and the real garlic fragrant. Its special flavour goes well and super delicious. This is an excellent way to use up leftover rice. Cook the rice and chill rapidly or freeze until ready to use.

2 cups cold cooked rice
2 eggs, whisked
3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped (minced)
1 small red onion, thinly sliced
1 can sweet corn 285g, drained
2 sausages, diced
5 prawns
2 tbsp butter
1 teaspoons salt + more to taste
some spring onions for garnishing

1) Add a little oil to a non-stick pan and gently bring it up to a medium heat. As the pan is heating, Cracking   the egg straight in to the pan. flip it, and cook it for a good minute. Remove the egg from the pan and set aside.

2) Melt the butter in a large pan over medium-high heat. Add garlic, onion, sausages and prawn; cook and stir until fragrant and lightly browned.

3) Add the rice and sweet corn to the pan and stir around until it is mixed and heated through. Push the rice away from the centre of the pan. Add the salt and toss it all together and remove from the heat.

4) Pour in the eggs, and stir until scrambled and set. Once the eggs are scrambled, toss all the ingredients together. Remove from the pan and place in a serving plate.

Recipe Source: JosephineRecipes.Co.Uk

Friday 14 June 2013

傳統客家花生肉粽 How to Make Glutinous Rice Dumplings | Joong | Zongzi 花生咸肉粽

有花生、猪腩肉、花菇、干貝、虾米、红葱。(這次在英国買不到鴨蛋就沒腌制品了) 加了咸蛋是可以增加風味喔!雪白晶瑩剔透的糯米飯、粒粒香脆的花生、同賣加上猪腩肉燒烤成綿密的半肥廋蜜汁叉燒肉口感非常滑嫩。能夠親口吃到自己diy,家鄉花生肉粽,那種感覺更棒。以下材料 大概包-20多個。(要看看粽子大小決定) 這樣食材就大概大功告成了,是不是很簡單易做呢?

猪腩肉 (3排)
花生 (1杯半)
虾米 (1杯)
干貝 (半杯)
红葱 (1 個)
花菇 (1杯)
糯米 (5杯)

粽葉 (1包)


1)  粽葉洗淨,放入冷水【泡水過夜】

2) 泰國糯米洗凈【泡水過夜】瀝后備用。

3) 花菇,虾米,干貝【泡水過夜】

4) 猪腩肉放點鹽洗净。将【李錦记排骨醬】拌勻。盖上保鮮膜,放入冰箱冷藏腌制隔夜让其入味。烤爐,用中火将所有肉块焗熟即可。多余的是油腻汁、要丟掉喔。之后倒入蜜糖,別開大火,糖的成份很容易烧焦。兩次翻面烤成金黃色即可。最后出爐后,再放少量蜜(翻拌均匀即可)待涼切块備用。

5) 買現成的咸香花生,用攪拌器打碎備用。可以買生的泰国花生自己慢火炒香。(比較費時費力)

6)  熱鍋入油中火爆香紅蔥頭,蝦米、干貝、與花菇炒香後,關火。(花生不能太收熱會很容易烧焦,所以要關火后,才放入花生碎。) 熱度剛剛好要快手加入李錦记蠔油、生抽、老抽調味甜米酒、快炒。最后再放入半肥廋蜜汁叉燒肉,關火炒香即可。把材料盛起大碗備用。

7) 取兩片粽葉,头尾交叉疊放, 於葉長約1/3的位置摺成三角錐形,我們這次包的肉粽超豪邁的,先放入1-2 大匙糯米鋪底,3朵小珍珠花菇,2塊 (半肥廋蜜汁叉燒肉),再擺上1-2大匙 蝦米干貝花生料。最后再放入1-2 大匙糯米鋪平。(高度不超過粽葉邊緣) 將另一端粽葉蓋上(兩側反摺) 后,用繩綁住。但不宜綁得太緊喔!這樣才能在糯米有膨脹的空間。收口要收的漂亮,這樣煮肉粽的時候才不會爆出!!

8) 一大鍋, 將包好的粽子擺入深鍋內,直接加水淹過粽子。蓋上鍋蓋后用中火煮約1小時后熄火。仍蓋緊鍋燜半小時。 (记得偶而要檢查水量,以防煮干,水不夠的時候記得要加水進去。)


食谱原作者: JosephineRecipes.Co.Uk

豆沙粽 How To Make Sticky Rice Dumpling In Bamboo Leaves - Zong Zi Stuffed with Red Bean Paste

Lalala...真得超開心, 終于完成了大杰作。(累) 哈哈哈,下個星期可以快快樂樂過端午了。(不好意思,聲音有點太興奮。)
(錄制影片教學烹法自己一手包辦) 花了很多時間和精力。希望大家給Like! 多多支持 XDD 請注: 攝影鏡头自己擺錯放向,從底拍上,所以包包臉 :'(


【果皮功效】清热除火, 消食, 养颜护肤, 抑癌抗瘤, 抗衰抗辐射。【紅豆功效】小小一顆紅豆就含有高量的鐵質,是很平民化的補血的聖品。含蛋白質、維生素B群,有利尿、解毒作用,可使膚色紅潤。




1) 粽叶和繩洗干凈。用水浸泡過夜。

2) 将紅豆洗净,入锅加5杯清水,用大火煮滚。紅豆煮到爛,中間時斷改為小火焖1小时,放入2片果皮,再加多3杯清水,1杯黃糖,煮到杰身,不停攪拌,待涼。倒入攪拌器打成豆沙即成。

3) 将豆沙放入大碗,即成軟棉棉的紅豆餡料。(试下甜度,如果想甜一點就再加入1-2大匙黃  糖拌匀,掺入豆沙,很快就會溶化)

 4) 将糯米淘净, 沥去水分,取粽叶2片,卷成漏斗形。

 5) 加入1-2大匙糯米,放入2大匙豆沙馅,再加盖1-2大匙糯米,然后用粽叶包紧,用繩扎牢。

 6) 一大鍋, 將包好的粽子擺入深鍋內,直接加水淹過粽子。
 蓋上鍋蓋后用中火煮約1小時后  熄火。仍蓋緊鍋燜半小時。




粽子的捆扎:豆沙粽不宜捆得太紧, 防止米粒挤进豆沙中,如果煮不透会出现夹生现象。