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Wednesday 6 May 2020

Grow mung bean sprout 种植绿豆芽 在家如何发豆芽

Grow your own bean sprout is healthier and you produce fresh and grown without chemicals. it will take some experimentation to see and you enjoy to watch them growing, and the most important things is the happiness money can't buy. it taste so much better too! 自己种的绿豆芽是不同的,最重要的是享受种植的过程。豆芽虽便宜,但种植豆芽的乐趣是用钱都买不到的。让快乐也在厨房中萌芽。

1) Place 100g mung beans in a bowl.
2) Rinse, pick and discard any ones that have been broken or wizened.
3) Soaking. cover with a drainable cap and soak for 12 hours.
4) Use a steamer basket, firstly layer a wet cotton cloth on the bottom and lay one layer of mung bean and then cover. 用蒸盆篮子,底部可排水,铺一层透气湿布,铺绿豆,表面再盖上湿布。
5) Place in a dark place or cover triple dark cloth, to avoid photo synthesis otherwise they will taste bitter.  放在黑暗的地方,或盖上三层深色布,避免光合作用,不然豆芽会发苦,吃起来口感涩涩的。
6) Rinse and drain, twice per day, in the morning and in the evening.
7) Repeat the process and wait for around 4 days (it grows faster in summer than in winter). In winter, it may need around 6-7 days. 夏季发到第四天就可以收成了。在冬季,需要6-7天左右的时间。
8) Black beans works well too. It can be used to cooking soup or stir fry. 黑豆也可以发豆芽,发的豆芽还挺壮的。可以煮豆芽汤面或炒来吃。

Recipe Source: Josephine's Recipes

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