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Friday 5 July 2019

Beautiful & Yummy Fruit Jelly Cake Dessert 水果果冻蛋糕

Beautiful Fruit Jelly Cake Dessert  水果果冻蛋糕

This is an easy, no bake dessert recipe with step-by-step guide and instructions. This jelly cake with fresh fruits is not just tasty but looks even beautiful and that are totally healthy. The instructions mentioned one sachet (12g) can make 570ml of liquid. 1 powder sachet is the equivalent to approximately 4 leaves of gelatine. I had tested many times and adjusted one sachet (12g) to make 250ml, 1 cup of liquid. It's semi-firm texture and chewy, and perfectly come out from my bundt pan.


Ingredients 材料

3 cups, 750ml water 清水
5 tbsp, 80g granulated sugar, optional 白糖
4 sachet, 48g gelatine powder 鱼胶粉 / 16 leaf gelatine 吉利丁片
a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice 几滴鲜榨柠檬汁

150g blackberries
500g fresh strawberries
400g seedless green grapes
200g hand picked cherries 200g
400g seedless red grapes
320g apricots
mint leaves, to serve

Above are the fresh fruits I used. Recommended season fruits is the best choice. 以上是我使用的水果,或者您可以选择任何您喜欢的水果。(推荐季节水果是最好的)。

salad oil spray
25cm silicone bundt pan

1) Wash all fresh fruits and set aside to dry off a bit. Lightly oil spray bundt pan and wipe off all over the interior of the pan with a paper towel. 将所有新鲜水果洗净,放在一边晾干。

2) In a saucepan, pour coconut water or plain water bring to a boil, along with granulated sugar and a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Add gelatine powder and whisk well until dissolved. Set aside to cool. 倒入清水煮沸,加入糖和几滴柠檬汁。加入鱼胶粉,搅拌均匀,直至溶解。

3) Cut strawberries into pieces and peel, slice and chop apricots into pieces, cut cherries in half.  Place fresh blackberries, strawberries slices, green grapes, cut in halves cherries, red grapes, apricots pieces and strawberries into the 25cm bundt pan. Recommended best season fruits is the best choice.将草莓切成两半切成片。 将新鲜的黑莓,草莓片,绿葡萄,切成两半的樱桃,红葡萄,切成小块的杏桃和草莓片放入25厘米的模具中。(推荐最好的季节水果是最好的)。

4) Each fruit equally around in rows. carefully pour cooled water mixture over the fruits into the bundt cake and refrigerate each layer for 5 minutes in the freezer to avoid fruit floats around. Put the jelly mould in the fridge overnight to set or until ready to serve. 每个水果同样成排。小心地将冷却的混合水倒在水果上,然后在冷冻室中将每层冷藏5分钟,以避免水果漂浮在周围。将果冻模具,放入冰箱冷藏一晚。

5) To serve, dip the jelly mould into a bowl of warm water, then loosen the sides. Carefully turn out the jelly onto a serving dish, then serve with the syrup or evaporated milk and fresh mint leaves.

Helpful Tips:
1) Be sure to use salad oil to grease so the cake will release easily and the design will be sharply defined. 使用色拉油或椰子油刷蛋糕盘,这样果冻会很容易轻松地取出。
2) Science of fruit jellies experiments, fresh fruits such a pineapple, kiwi and papaya contain enzymes stops jelly setting and wouldn’t set. 哪些水果不能做果冻?实验科学: 果冻里一些水果是不能用来做果冻的,因为它们可能会阻止明胶的凝固。这些水果包括新鲜菠萝、猕猴桃、木瓜。

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