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Wednesday 17 October 2018

Cotton Soft Chocolate Sponge Cake 巧克力海绵蛋糕

These attractive cake will go perfectly with your afternoon tea or birthday party. It's super light and fluffy and will be also a real treat for chocolate lovers.

Makes 1 - 6 inch chiffon cake pan 


• 22g, 4 tbsp corn oil 植物油
• 12g, 2 tbsp cocoa powder 可可粉
• 66g, 6 tbsp milk 牛奶
• 20g, 2 tbsp sugar 
• 3 egg yolks 蛋黄
• 60g, 7 tbsp cake flour 低筋面粉

• 3 egg whites 蛋白
1/2 tsp lemon juice  柠檬汁
• 50g, 5 tbsp sugar 

For the Decoration:
• powdered sugar 糖粉
• grapes and flowers for cake 葡萄和鲜花


1) Heat the corn oil in a saucepan, over low heat. Add sieved cocoa powder, stirring constantly until  melted completely then combine sugar and milk. Turn off the heat, less than 65C. Sprinkle a pinch of sea salt, sift the cake flour, Add the egg yolks and mix by hand until just combined. do not over mix! 准备一个小锅,小火煮热粟米油,加入过筛可可粉,咖啡粉,不断搅拌,直到完全融化,然后倒入糖和牛奶。煮至65℃后离火,等稍降温后,洒上一点海盐,过筛的低筋粉混合至无干粉。这就是烫面了,加入蛋黄搅拌,直到面糊光滑。 (注意少于30次,不要过度搅拌)

2) In a separate bowl, Whisk egg whites until foamy, squeezing a little lemon juice and add sugar a little bit at a time, beating until to a thick and stiff peak stage, about 3-5 minutes. 在一个干净的碗,先将蛋白打散成泡状;再加入几滴柠檬汁,分三次加入糖,打发至偏干性发泡, 直到出现大弯勾,大约3-5分钟。
3) Using a whisker and turn the small amount of egg whites into the batter, then turn back the batter into the whites, and the most important part here is not to stirring and carefully folding is gentle mixing technique until just incorporated. 搅拌好的蛋黄糊,加入打发好的三分之一的蛋白,搅拌均匀。再全倒回蛋白盆里,。一定要用翻拌手法,以免消泡,并拌匀。

4) Pour cake batter into your prepared pans and sprinkle powdered sugar over cake and decoration with fruits and flowers for cake. You could try now without the water bath or to prepare a water bath and see what happens, It's works too! 把拌匀的面糊从高处均匀倒入蛋糕模,蛋糕馅洒上一些磨碎的黑巧克力,在顶部另外撒上一些巧克力豆。双手提起烤盘,左右抖动几下,使面糊更平整。摔两下除去气泡。

5) Bake on the lowest oven rack at 150°C  for 45 minutes or until the cake is set in the centre. Baking time it will depend on the size of your cake pan. To make sure your cake to succeed even better. It is best to use an oven thermometer and you'll always have the exact temperature of your oven in mind.放烤箱中层,冷水浴130°c-150°c度,上下火烤60分钟。

6) Once cooked, leave to cool at least 10 minutes, until the oven temperature reached to room temperatures. 烤好后,打开烤箱门, 冷却至少10分钟。

7) Dropping the cake pan from high once to prevent the cake to shrink too much during cooling. Make sure cakes are properly cooled before cutting them. 出炉后, 再摔两下,才不会出现塌陷。烘烤时间应根据蛋糕模具的大小来决定。不同的烤箱由于内部结构、控温精准性的不同,实际温度会有差,最好是买一个烤箱温度计,放在烤箱内,这样才能校正误差。

7) Transfer the cake to a plate for serving. Any leftover cake can be covered and kept in the fridge for 2 days. 放在冰箱冷藏,不要超过3天。

Helpful Tips:
1) Be careful not to get the saucepan hot because the oil will burn. 
2) For guaranteed results it's important to follow exactly this recipe and baking at the right temperature is important. It's recommended to use an oven thermometer.
3) Do not bake the cake quickly at a high temperature and don't remove hot cake out of a baking pan. otherwise the cake could fall apart and crack on top. Baking cake at a lower temperature will help the cake rise much higher and bake more evenly.
4) Please understand that everyone's oven work differently. You should also check the temperature of your oven. if not, your cake won't rise well. 
5) You can test the cake by poking it with a skewer, if it's cooked the skewer will come out clean. if not pop it back in the oven and bake until it's ready. 
6) Folding egg whites into a cake batter. Do not stir and never use an electric mixer. 
7) Use a clean, dry bowl, free of yolk and any other oil or grease while beating egg whites. Do not over or under-beat the egg whites.

Recipe Source: Josephine's Recipes 

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