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Wednesday 22 May 2013

Chinese Yellow Rice Wine Chicken 客家黃酒雞 Josephine's Recipes Episode 12


Please attention: Rice Wine after cooked, it will be reduced alcohol and increase nutrient. some pregnancy women can drink for healthy some are not, so please ask for doctor advice.

This is the best ginger wine chicken soup for confinement in child birth.After birth a baby, this is the best soup ever. [Features] is the perfectly delicious ginger wine chicken soup for low blood,
weakness ill,  ideal food for elderly, and pregnancies, maternal ... heat health food.


1 free range chicken, chopped into bite-sized pieces
2 mature ginger (cut into sliced)
3 cups yellow rice wine (wong chow)
2 tbsp sesame oil
1 tsp salt to taste
1 tbsp oyster sauce (lee kum kee )
2 tbsp brown sugar or half brown candy pieces


1) Heat the wok, add sesame oil and fry the chicken pieces until golden brown.
2)In a large casserole, add rice wine, and sliced ginger to a boil. once boil out the ginger rice wine, and add the chicken, and season with salt, oyster sauce and sugar and continue to cook for another 15 minutes until the meat is tender, before serve, add some rice wine, brandy or dom benedictine for keep the alcohol strong and keep all the amazing flavor in the upper level. 

Recipe Source: JosephineRecipes.Co.Uk

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